
Unit 6 Professional Skills Rose Mont College Level 4


Professional skills are key to success in any organization. The personal and professional skills are essential so as to achieve organizational goals as well as personal objectives effectively. The effective communication technique is essential for any manger or leader in equivalent to listening ability which enhances the whole process. The Skills and abilities of a manger helps his team to set standards for others by achieving better results through proper guidance.

The essay refers to the skills of a manger in handling its team engaged in selling holiday packages and motivating them through various rewards to enhance their performance. The manager is responsible for checking every member performance and activities necessary to achieve set targets and motivating them through recognition and incentives.

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Task 1

1. Various issues presented in the organization.

The newly appointed manager is responsible to check in his sales executives responsible for selling holiday packages to various destinations to different customers. The company offers seven different destinations which is handled by three team leads who are responsible for generating revenue for the company (Seabrooke and Nilsson, 2015). They usually motivate their followers so as to achieve great heights and influence them in right direction to fulfil goals and objectives of organization. The managers are now taking the role of leadership in the fast growing industry.

The issues at present experienced by the new manager is the poor sales ratio and decreasing overall profit. Since the previous manager lacks communication skills and professional ability to handle things the company has suffered losses for the last three months (Wilson and Poulter, 2015). The previous manager was engaged in other activities related to top management which has impacted the organization overall profit margin. Another issue which was identified is lack of coordination among team members as each one is comparing to others so as to achieve incentives and extra rewards.

2. The various reasons behind conflicts and disputes among team members.

The new manager is responsible for implementing changes essential for the company to achieve heights through motivating sales executives to perform better. The manager identified various causes of conflicts among members. The first and foremost is the company's policy of providing additional benefits or incentives to the top sales team and announcing the sales team in the company's newsletter. The main reason of dispute among members is this type of appraisal which raises animosity (Seabrooke and Nilsson, 2015). Another cause of dispute is preference of destination provided to only three persons which expects to have higher demand as it is a preferred holiday destination. The new manager has talked to all members engaged in the task of selling holiday packages and came to a conclusion of lack of communication and ability of people to act.

3. Ways to remove conflicts by the manager.

The conflicts arrising in managing the sales team needs to be discarded by implementing such acts by the manger which fulfil needs of all equally. The manager in order to avid conflicts needs to implement proper strategies which benefit each employee. Firstly, the various destinations should be changed every month from one employee to another so each one gets a chance of selling the most preferable destination for holiday packaging (Wilson and Poulter, 2015). Another implementation is proper coordination and effective communication techniques needs to be adopted by all. With coordination and mutual understanding better performance is achieved thereby enhancing growth of company.

The manger should also look into every activity of employee and treat them equally which will motivate them to perform better and fulfil organizational goals. The manger should talk to each and every member so as to coordinate work in a better way thereby enhancing relationship. Every task needs to be accomplished before set time and proper management needs to be incorporated (Naumann and, 2016).

4. Responsibility of a manger.

Conflict management:

The term conflict management refers to enhancing learning of employees thereby improvizing performance in a positive manner (Seabrooke and Nilsson, 2015). The manager needs to mange conflict issues at the holiday package selling company by communicating with the employees, focusing on their behaviour, listening to them carefully, and priorizing areas of disputes by developing a plan to overcome it. The manger is responsible to tackle conflicts with ease and patience thereby listening to both parties and finding solution so as to satisfy them equally.

The management of conflict refers to minimizing negative impact through providing solutions (Wilson and Poulter, 2015). An effective manger will listen to both parties and then act accordingly. Thus, being a manger it is important to resolve conflicts among members by incorporating activities which benefit all and no one is treated different. Since employees working in the company have diverse culture and group needs to be make comfortable using communication in an effective manner.


The manger needs to motivate employees so as to achieve targets in a proper manner. Motivation in form of incentives, rewards and recognition helps employee to work harder so as to grab extra penny. But the manger should devise such motivation plans which benefit employees equally and no one should be preferred over other. The motivation helps people to perform better so as to fulfill their needs and desires along with organizational goals.

The theory of motivation which the manger should look into is to enhance every employee relationship with others as well as with the top management by retaining talented employees in the company by incresing salaries or providing additional benefits from time-to-time (Brundiers and Wiek, 2017). The new manager has developed motivational plans for sales executives which will enhance sales and motivates them to work harder as increse in benefits are equal.

Negotiation skills:

Another important professional skill of a manger is negotiation skill which is key to success for an organization as it avoids conflicts in a proper manner. A manager posses talent of proper negotiation which will establish base of an organization. Successful negotiation is a vital communicatuion skill for a manger which helps in achieving desired results.

The manger at holiday package selling company needs to devise negotiation tactics among sales executives which will improve sales of the organization.The manager by talking to sales executives should devise plans for equally sharing responsibilities and work so as to simplify working making each employee happy (Moffett and Mill, 2014).

Task 2

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership refers to those leaders who wants to serve in any form which builds better organizations and responsible citizens. The servant leaders posses traits and skills of listening, healing, empathy, awareness, persuasion and a vision of making things better. It is a leadership style based on social objectives which gives priority to others needs and desires. Servant leaders are responsible citizens which gives importance to strengthening relationships and delegate responsibilities so as to make the world a better place. Servant leaders or mangers are constructive in nature and have persistent effect on others through their way of talking which motivates others to perform better (Naumann and, 2016).

Servant leadership focuses on rendering services to organizations or society or others. They emphasizes on providing resources to others so as to fulfil their tasks. These peiople have an exclusive ability to identify comples situations and problems and have the ability to resolve such issues in a proper way (Brundiers and Wiek, 2017). From initial project-planning stages to final implementation, servant leaders think about how they can best serve their community. The objective of serving others encapsulates every facet of their activities, from establishing healthy communities to building prosperous businesses and worthwhile public entities. These extensive ability of servant leaders make them superior over others.

Thus, the servant leadership is not a style rather its a way of acting by a person in different situations (Wilson and Poulter, 2015). At times it is difficult to encompass servant leadership style by a manger who is responsible for taking decisions for the organization. The new manger appointed at holiday package selling company has certain prospects of a servant leadership which influences employees under him to work accordingly so as to achieve greater sales which will benefit them in form of additional incentives.

Implementing the principles of servant leadership.

Servant leadership is a social type of leadership style where the person exercising it has a sole motive of serving the society, organization or people. The manger appointed at holiday package selling company has a proper communication skill which has helped him in resolving conflicts among members. The keen listening skill of the manger has also gained him valuable response from his employees (Moffett and Mill, 2014). The skill of empathy refers to being at the same position of the employee while solving and negotiating with them. Such skills and abilities of a manager helps in building better relationship with employees.

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The above essay concludes the various skills and abilities of a manager which makes him a successful leader in an organization. The skills of a manager helps employees perform their roles and responsibilities in a proper manner which accomplishes organizational objectives. The manager at holiday package selling company was keen to resolve conflicts arising among employees due to negative impact of recognition and reward practised at the company. The manger by effective communication technique and uses of servant leadership objectives made employees achieve sales targets effectively. Insatnt Assignment Help Australia provides you the best help with assignments.


  • Brundiers, K. and Wiek, A., 2017. Beyond Interpersonal Competence: Teaching and Learning Professional Skills in Sustainability. Education Sciences. 7(1). p.39.
  • Moffett, J. and Mill, A. C., 2014. Evaluation of the flipped classroom approach in a veterinary professional skills course. Advances in medical education and practice. 5. p.415.
  • Naumann, F. and, 2016. Virtual patient consultations and the use of an ePortfolio assessment to support student learning of integrated professional skills. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 17(3). p.69.
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